Sunday, July 14, 2013


me:   you are not most people
him:  we are not most ppl

it's be a heck of a week.  so much to take in, and even more to let go of.  i have forgotten faces, places, feelings (and we know that is strange for me - because i don't forget most nothing), but i can't seem to forget the things i really want to.

me:  (insert heartbreak and tears)
her:  (insert unparalleled love and support)

what happens when we sit still,  i wonder?  i don't think we are meant to.  i don't think we are ever meant to catch our breath, it's just one hit after another - and there is no magic for us (we make the magic).  We are the wizards that the world no longer really sees (she and i would be in Gryffindor for sure, whereas i am not sure about he.  he'd be more interested in the colors than the house - but Gryffindor all the same [because the first thing i ever gave him would match]).

i think of you two a lot.  i try to stop thinking that i have a top five, but i do - and you two are fixed.  a permanent feature of my soul.  the feature(s) that makes me smile from ear to ear (and year to year) - because the best of my memories include you and even in the worst you two are the parts that make me laugh at my own absurdities (which we all know that i am abundant in).

in five weeks i am getting on a plane taking me further from both of you, and a part of me is dying wondering why that flight is not going towards you - and then i hear your hearts speak:  "chase your dream, we'll always be here..."  and i know/trust you know that at a moment's notice i'd be there with you, and i will be (soon).

no amount of poetry will bring us closer, all the blank spaces in-between the letters and words are ours and their meanings our space to travel back and forth to each other.  and the salty beach skins, and midnight talks and walks and tears and breakups and ashes and jars full of butts and falling asleep feeling safe...  we have to do that again - soon.  replaced now with laughter, and seeing how long it will take before she tells us to shut up (but really her way of saying "i love you two f!-ups"), and how long before he finds a piano or before i find book/dvd to dive into  (may i suggest 'pitch perfect'?), and the sweet scent of vanilla tea...  and we are not most ppl.

for that i am grateful.
     for you (two) i am grateful.
          for that, this last week becomes the past.

(also - that mixcd, it came out pretty cool i think.  hope you like it...)

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