Wednesday, June 12, 2013


“Because, if you could love someone, and keep loving them, without being loved back . . . then that love had to be real. It hurt too much to be anything else.” 
― Sarah CrossKill Me Softly

after an exercise he says:  so, does he know that you are in love with him?
me:  no.
him:  will you ever tell him?
me:  no.
him:  because you love him that much?
me:  yes.
him:  you'd die for this love?
me:  i have.
him:  time and time again...  that kind of love; poets write about that kind of love.
me:  **silence**
him:  you need to tell him.
me:  no, i don't.  loving him is enough for me.  i don't need the veil of telling him.  (“Love is a veil betwixt the lover and the beloved.”  - Baha’u'llah).  
him:  then, how will he know.
me:  what makes you think he doesn't...

somethings are better left silent, so that in the light of it all they don't burn away...  but then again, i tend to empathize with moths.  

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